Thursday, September 28, 2017

Episode 200: Well, That Was Anticlimactic [Adventure Island]

We seem to be running into a lot of these "we didn't get the license so let's just call it something else" games in our queue recently.  Journey back with us through the dimensional wormhole that was the NES/Master System war, and witness the birth of a hero.  Golf Guy, the only Guy whose super-thing is Golf, sets out on a quest to avenge his parents after they were killed by a bad slice.  He and his companion, Caddy Kid, will stop at nothing to end the golf-themed threats of The Eagle!  What do you mean that's not the plot?

Also, Episode 200!

Quick, to the Golf Download!

Show Notes

(02:30) I listened to some of Journey Into Misery.  It's definitely worth a listen.

(03:30) Explaining the road trip game often played when Tyler's driving.

(08:30) Oh, Uncharted.

(12:30) MFL fantasy teams would be so much more interesting.

(18:30) A sweet jacket in the name of the stars.

(25:40) The aptly named Team Red Shirt.

(50:00) If you've got some time to kill, the top 8 in Gundam Versus from EVO.

(52:30) Finally getting around to the game.  You might say it's Adventure (Island) Time!  Young Master Higgins and his sweet baseball cap.

(58:45) Crack an egg, get a rank.

Next time on Last Time, Mario 64 DS!

Yoshi's always playable at,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Episode 199: Zach Played the Game More Than Geremy [Metal Slug X]

Never before have we seen this much metal in so few slugs!  Actually, thinking on it, there aren't actually metal slugs in this game; they all seem to be energy pellets of some sort.  At any rate, there are now working graphics, tons of "vehicles", and a number of playable characters.  The same Metal Slug quirkiness, now sequelier and more functional!

The download that breaks the machine-gun-camel's back.

Show Notes

(01:45) An immediate tangent about Savage Dragon 

(03:45) Zach’s playing Disgaea 5

(18:45) Tyler’s been playing the smash-a-like Rivals of Aether

(24:45) Geremy has been playing the dangerously addicting Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle.

(32:45) The Assignment: Metal Slug X

(40:00) Ranking Slug

Next time on Last Time, Adventure Island!

Legally distinct cavemen available for conversation at,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 198: The More Missiles Upgrade Gives You More Missiles [Metroid Zero Mission]

Samus is back!  To celebrate that (though mostly because of this month's theme), we're revisiting the first real Metroid remake: Zero Mission.  The team learned a bunch of things from Super Metroid and haphazardly applied them to the original game.  What results is an odd, but relatively solid, of bad map design and progression and reasonable controls.  Fun!

Ah, my powerups - again!  Better download some more lasers.

Show Notes

(08:00) The Long Dark in a nutshell.

(15:00) Battletechnomancy.

(17:30) CAWW

(18:30) Because Blizzard needed more tie-ins.

(21:15) Essentially a Pendulum Eyes Time Dragon.

(29:30) Getting into the game.

(41:30) Zero rankings.

(47:00) Gotta go fast.

Next time on Last Time, Metal Slug X!

Camel Cannons at,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.