Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Episode 51: Alien Budget Crisis [X-Com: UFO Defense]

Ed's first pick on the show!  Do you get the feeling that you're not alone?  That there are other beings out there, watching us?  That they are really terrible shots with laser weapons?  X-Com allows you to experience all of this, and the joys of budgeting a base to do fight the aliens, which is more entertaining than it sounds.

I'm afraid world funding is too low to afford this download.

(02:45) Ed's been playing Bravely Default, which sounds like a JRPG.  Also, Hearthstone apparently kills Wine.  Fortune Street!

(06:30) Apparently WaToad?

(08:20) Golden trains!  Human save state hacking and college speed runs.

(12:00) Zach's in ranked matches in LoL now!

(16:00) Flash games and free games: why are we paying for them?

(19:00) Extra Credits is just generally awesome.  Watch it.

(19:30) Geremy and Ed had some Pokemon battles, while engaged in other activities.

(26:40) Check out the amazing intro to this game.

(34:00) Dogfighting is somehow not very exciting.  Basically, you push unlabeled buttons, discernible by the number of bullets on each one.

(40:00) Combat!  Fairly complex, though rather slow, and you have two resources to burn.  The stats are also uniform, rather than the more realistic (and fair for a game) normal distribution.

(42:30) Base management!  The game is so complex, especially here, it comes with an in-game encyclopedia.

(45:00) Some improvements: automated combat, some sort of tutorial, and it suffers from a negative feedback loop.

(50:00) Turns out, this one appears to be a cult classic for a reason.  General sentiment: pretty good, but the sequel is better.

Next time on Last Time, it's S.C.A.T.!

Shoot us some ideas for toilet humor at,,,
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 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Episode 50: We Apologize for the Audio Quality... And Also the Game Quality [Prince of Persia]

This week, we play our first rotoscoped game.  A daring adventure through dungeons and against undead, sure to excite!  Now, if only the controls weren't so obtuse.  At least we have Ed with us this episode to help make the game somewhat bearable.

Also, there are a lot of bump noises on this one because we had Ed on our makeshift mic stand that Alex rigged up for our Animal Crossing episode.  That stand is actually a "bottle of alcohol and shot glass" holder, so it's not super steady.  Sorry 'bout that.

You can't download halfway through taking a step.

(00:50) We introduce Ed, while Tyler, who blames a temporal anomaly, forgot to introduce himself.

(03:00) Ed talks about Wolf Among Us.

(07:00) We talk about Pokémon for a while, because it's us.

(18:00) Some LoL talk.  (Editors Note: Still us.)

(21:30) SCP, guys.  It's pretty distracting, and not as useful for connecting to other computers as one would think.

(24:00) Fire Emblem: Awakening shipping.

(30:00) Story of the most recent Eve catastrophe.

(45:00) We start off this week's game with it's mechanics.

(49:00) Sands of Time!

(53:30) This game was going to be an Apple exclusive.  Yes, early Apple computers were top tier gaming machines.

(55:30) Prince of Persia is pretty bad.  Pretty unanimous "skip."

Next time on Last Time, it's X-Com: Enemy Unknown!  The original, in case you were curious.

Help us defend the Earth from aliens at,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Episode 49: Gotta Go Fast- You're Too Slow, Bro [Sonic 2]

Remember how we were complaining about how Sonic seems to contradict its nature?  Well, sequels exist for a reason.  More running, more Tails, more Nintendont!

As long as you have one download, you can't lose a life!

Next time on Last Time, it's a special episode!  Not only have we reached 50, we also have a special guest.  One might call it an Edpisode.  Also, Prince of Persia!

Don't get caught in a deathtrap trying to talk to us at,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Episode 48: Marios Come in Threes [Super Mario Bros. 3]

The game that started the tanooki skinning craze, it's Super Mario Bros. 3!  The first true sequel to the original, this game features a number of changes in the formula, while still keeping the somewhat frenetic platforming.  It's colorful, full of power-ups, and generally fun.  Even Zach likes it!

Run fast and you fly if you have the download suit!

No fancy notes this week, sadly.  Tyler got teh busies.

You can still race us at,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Monday, February 3, 2014


So, I just got an email that the server that hosts our domain is going down tomorrow night between 8 P.M - 4 A.M. MST.  Sadly, pretty much anything that involves the domain will be inaccessible by that address.