Thursday, April 24, 2014

Episode 59: Failing Out Of Ninja Art School [Ninja Gaiden]

Imagine how much different Ryu's life would have been if he had bothered to study cubism. There wouldn't be an random guys with clubs trying to kill him, his father's colleague would still be alive, and the world would be covered in 1000 years of statue-demon based darkness. It might be an improvement.

If you try to download this while jumping, you'll run out of ninja points.

(02:00) If you can dodge a wrench...

(03:00) Captain 'Muricuh!

(04:00) Ninja power follows an inverse number law.

(07:00) Talking about League ninjas.

(10:00) Horde modes are awesome.

(10:45) Mentioned before, but the Attack on Titan fan game by Feng Lee is great.

(19:45) Wii U GBA games exist now.

(21:00) Smash speculation.

(29:00) Ninja Gaiden: it has cut scenes.

(30:00) What is a game by any other name?

(35:00) The demise of the cut scene.  Ledo and Ix.

(37:30) Ryu has hearing problems.  Also, he seems unaware of the use of ladders.

(47:00) Totally not Castlevania.  Which is better.

(50:00) Final thoughts.

(53:00) Physical magazines in the face of the Internet.

Next time on Last Time, Pilot Wings!

Come jetpack with us at,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Episode 58: Auto Mercenaries?! Why Are There Auto Mercenaries? [Vigilante 8]

Are you feelin' groovy, man? I think you will be once you feel my rocket. And my mortar. Attached to my sports car.

The only thing more valuable than oil in a dystopian 70s world is this download!

(01:00) Speaking of referential humor.

(03:00) HMM3: the Necropolis maneuver.

(06:00) Minecraft mod showcase: Ancient Warfare!  Also, future cities.  Not quite what I meant, but it's definitely a stupid bear and bird.

(10:30) Zach's LoL booster pack adventures.

(16:30) Geremy's recent RPG of the tabletop variety: Shonen Final Burst!

(19:10) ACIV upgrade mechanics.  Also, the end game is a bit... lackluster.

(25:30) FFX-X2 remaster.  Just look at that cover.

(29:50) Vigilante 8!  It's explosive!  Dat intro.

(39:00) Singleplayer vs. Multiplayer: Is single player necessary for all games?

(41:30) Final thought round up.  All woman!

Next time on Last Time, it's Ninja Gaiden!

Unlike ninjas, our contacts aren't hidden.  Throw us a shuriken at,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Let's Play Vigalante 8

Dear Last Time on Video Games listeners.
As we move forward into history, it is important that we do not ignore growing technology.  The Last Time on Video Games message should not just be limited to audio, but as technology grows, broadcast in whatever way we can.
It is for this reason, and totally not that Geremy got an expensive capture card, that we bring you our first video, the LTOVG crew playing our latest assignment, Vigilante 8.  This is our first video, and so the editing and audio balance are just a little off.  However, we hope you enjoy, and plan on releasing more videos for out future Multiplayer assignments.  And remember to check out our full, normal episode on Vigilante 8 when it hits tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Episode 57: The Raaage of the Streets! [Streets of Rage]

Like all good government employees in videogame worlds, when the streets are nothing but death and crime, they quit their day jobs and take vigilante justice to the streets.  Unfortunately, they left their weapons at home, even though the backup is apparently authorized to use napalm bazookas.  Let's fight it out!

You only get one download per life.  Thankfully, you usually respawn once a day.

(00:45) We may have collectively been watching a lot of anime recently.

(06:00) Because we don't have enough cheesecake.

(07:30) The origins of Thor!

(11:00) Arguments: invalidated.

(12:30) All the things!

(17:50) Speaking of multiplayer only games.

(21:30) Batman's musical endeavors.

(23:30) While trying to find news about actual AoT games, I found this.  It's good.  Play it.

(25:30) Game design: make every 10 seconds enjoyable.

(26:00) Geremy laments ACIV

(29:00) Try typing zerg rush into Google.

(33:30) As it happens, Streets of Rage is a brawler.  You can move in a vaguely 3D plane, hit people, throw people, and be hit by people.  Also, TARDIS turkey!

(40:00) The biggest brawler sin: lack of character advancement.

Next time on Last Time, Vigilante 8!

Come help us attach guns to our cars at,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Episode 56: Magic Mutants and Tanks [Blaster Master]

In a world, where frogs can find mutant lairs that RADAR somehow can't, one man/boy will somehow know how to pilot a super tank and have a gun. Are you a bad enough dude to ignore the excuse plot and save the planet?

You might have to get out of your vehicle to download this.

Punch a dude with us at,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Technical Difficulties

We were a bit late in getting this week's episode done, and now the Internet as revolted against transferring some files, so it's going to be late today.  While you wait, I recommend this dietary supplement which contains vitamins L, V, and G.