Thursday, June 18, 2015

Episode 109: In the Days Before the Mushroom Kingdom [Donkey Kong and Mario Bros.]

A POW block would have been extremely useful in dealing with the ENDLESS BARREL RAMPAGE of one Donkey Kong senior.  Additionally, death hammers would have been useful in clearing out Brooklyn's sewers once the brothers Mario found that homicidal turtles and crabs had infested.  I'm surprised there were no rats, though...  They eventually got Mouser, so that almost counts.  Join us on a trip back to some of the red-hatted plumber's first games!

This download really hit the turtle on the head.

Show Notes

(02:00) Robert gives that a.. Big No!

(05:40) All aboard the Kingdom Hearts hype train!

(09:00) Fire Emblem time!

(30:00) Hearthstone Adventures!  I might play that game if it existed.

(30:30) Infinite Crisis is dying on August 14th, 2015.

(34:30) Everyone's favorite carpenter, Mario!  Also, his gorilla nemesis, Donkey Kong, not to be confused with other giant gorillas.  Thanks, John Kirby!

(40:00) The Donkey Kong world record is insane.  As in, indicative of a mental disorder on the part of the holder.

(42:45) Plumbing never had so many turtles!

(46:30) The POW block and our problems with it as a "powerup" in this game.

(49:00) This Mech Warrior "cabinet" looks awesome.

(50:00) Ranking time!  The Return of Samus is up first, followed by Link's Alarm Clock.

Next time on Last Time, Joan of Arc's diary! Also, Age of Empires 2.

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 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Episode 108: KFC Double Denver [Sim City 2000]

Apparently crowd funded games are on our minds this week, but so are a lot of things.  Maybe we should have had better planning?  Zoning, perhaps?  See what I did?  Anyway, we're building cities and exploiting the not-quite-human intelligence of their occupants to make tons of money!

Our download is more effective than Godzilla.

Show Notes

(01:45) Everypony thinks Mad Max is so shine.

(08:00) Sploon!  Turns out it's pretty fun.

(10:30) Cross Code is looking good.  Also, fancy shoes, but that's mostly unrelated.

(27:00) SimAnt was sweet.

(27:30) SimCity 2000!  Zoooones! There are definitely optimal strategies.

(34:00) How this game lacks extra goals that make other open ended games more engaging.

(41:30) GoG Galaxy and Geremy's initial thoughts.

(42:00) Wanna rank?  Super Mario Daisy!  Greyscale Mega Men!  Last (and least) Sonic Chaos.

Next time on Last Time, it's a double with Donkey Kong and Mario Bros.!

Stop!  It's hammer time!,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Episode 107: I'm Gonna Be Viscount of the Pirates [The Secret of Monkey Island]

We talk a lot about books this week, which might be appropriate given that the game is loosely based on Treasure Island.  Loosely.  They both have pirates!  Also, a lot of Attack on Titan shows up, which, sadly, lacks pirates.

This download?  I don't see anything special about it.

Show Notes

(02:20) Smash puny titans!

(03:20) Ever want to ride a coaster where you're eaten by a giant homunculus?  Now you can!  The 3DS game is sadly not the flash game.

(07:00) Blackjack gets screwed over a lot.

(09:00) I have no thumbs and I must game.

(20:00) We played the Splatoon Test Fire.  It's fun!

(30:00) It's a secret to monkeys!  It's also mildly convoluted.

(44:00) Poor Mac.

(44:30) Rankings!  Kick off with Legend of Kage.  Boom boom Galaga.  Blocks of Asteroids!

Next time on Last Time, it's super city trouble with Sim City 2000!

 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Episode 106: Maximum Appreciation [Fighting Street]

Show us your fighting spirit!  This week we discuss a game that hasn't yet been cloned by its original creators in an independent development effort, now with 20% fewer shoryukens!

QCF, QCF, download!

Show Notes

(03:15) Should really be the Nappa Force.

(06:45) Geremy gives his (apparently uncommon) problems on Chroma Squad.

(17:45) Yooka-Laylee!

(20:00) Konami woes.

(28:30) Quicksilver, the first anthology of the Baroque Cycle, is pretty sweet.

(31:30) Fighting Street!  Such game!

(42:30) Rankings, brodawg!  Renegade for life provides the Ignition Factor to engage in some Elevator Action.

Next time on Last Time, The Secret of Monkey Island!  I don't see anything strange about it.

More grog at,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.