Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Episode 38: Punching Stuff [Punch-Out!!]

Left, Right, Duck, Uppercut!  You can only do a handful of things in this game, and it's not nearly that dramatic, but it's still fairly entertaining.  Join us in knocking out King Hippo and enjoying some sweet training montages.  Adrian!

There's a pattern to this download... Deck it!

Next time on Last Time, it's Uncharted Waters!

You can sell high with us!,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Host Change!

Hey, Internet!  We're currently hosted through GoDaddy.  The bad news is that GoDaddy sucks.  The good news is that our account is expiring and I've got a much better hosting service lined up.  However, I need to migrate stuff, so the site and downloads may not work quite right over the coming weekend, so watch out for that.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Episode 37: Master of English, Hahahahaha! [X-Men]

In a world where people mutate to be able to shoot lasers n' stuff somehow, some of those people are dicks. Some of these dicks also happen to be Master of Magnet! Help us disco laser him, X-Chicken!

Welcome to download!

(01:00) Other X-Men games.  Tyler's got a vanilla Minecraft server up constantly; email him if you want in.  Zach's been playing The Bigs 2, an arcade baseball game, which is way cbetter than Bases Loaded.  We talk about Zelda timelines for a bit, so go watch this thing +Edgar Diamond found.

(08:45) We talk about Mass Effect 2 compared to Bioshock for a bit.

(12:00) Pokemon.  Because of course.

(17:30) Hearthstone.  Their landing page says it all.

(23:00) All the goofy things this game says.  Just... this.  There's also a plot, I think.  Xavier seems to like ranting about it, at least.

(30:00) Mutant powers!  All the bosses monologue, which is just great.

(40:00) Between the Japanese and the American version, the Japanese has powerups and is therefore superior.  As an added bonus, this game is up to 6 players.  It's pretty mediocre aside from the camp, though.

(44:00) Wolverine is headmaster.  That explains the wonderful decisions the students regularly make.

Next time on Last Time, Punch-Out!!...!

Come fisticuffs with us at,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Episode 36: Guys Who Turn Into Guys Without Shirts [Altered Beast]

This week we look at possibly one of the sweetest games ever!  If it were an anime, that is.  Turn into a werewolf, dragon, and a golden werewolf as you fight an evil dude to save Athena!  Because Athena would totally need saving!

Watch out!  It's changing into a... download?!
Contact info, guys!,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.