Thursday, May 1, 2014

Episode 60: Why Don't We Just Talk About the In-Flight Movie? [Pilotwings]

Are you a bad enough dude to fly a helicopter? Well, even if you are, you have to learn a much more important skill first: hang gliding! Also, our hobby flight club has a jet pack. Apparently, one of us is rich. You can wreck as many planes as you want, but we won't give you a shiny new badge until you manage not to. Also, jump out of that plane or something. I'm running out of things you can do in the air, alright?

We're going to drop you from 2,000 feet and see if you can hit our download.

(02:30) A bit of talking about Elder Scrolls Online and its potentially interesting guild dynamics.

(07:00) We totally mean the Bechdel test, a basic litmus test for feminism in a piece of media.  Oddly, though, the Bartle test would probably be more appropriate for this show.  Anywho, we then look at Hinata from Naruto.

(10:00) League!  Tyler started playing.

(10:30) FTL: the Ancestry Quest.  It's super unlikely to happen.

(12:45) One Finger Death Punch.  It's insanely addicting.

(14:30) Homestar Runner, because of course.  What a deal!

(17:00) League tales... from the abyss!

(20:45) FreeSpace 2, a cool game for space.

(21:15) Tyrion is now an anthropologist.

(24:45) X-Men vs. TIE Fighter: The lost gem that never existed.

(28:00) Pilotwings is actually a secret X-Men training school.

(30:00) Totally meant roll, not yaw.

(33:30) Just tossing this out there.

(36:15) Helicopter mode!

Next time on Last Time, Cybernator!

Suit up and join the fight with us,,,
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