Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Episode 55: Perfect Episode Title [Perfect Dark]

Deadly agents, deadly aliens, deadly weapons, killer music, Elvis; this game has it all.  Except that it was made in an era where dual-analog controllers weren't common.  And it doesn't have a plot.  Except when it does.  Where's the president again?

The Farsight can find our download through the wall of the Internet.

(01:00) The dangers of running a podcast when LoL exists.

(02:00) We talk about Catherine for a bit.  Not to spoil the ending too much, but this one's crazy.  It's a bit odd...

(06:00) Tyler talks about Catherine's karma mechanics, similar to some other game, that happens to be free.

(08:20) WindForge is pretty cool, but hard to look at.  The review, sadly, says it all.

(11:00) Because games, Zach talk about Titanfall.  Our general impression is positive.

(14:00) Geremy never played Goldeneye.  This is blasphemy for our generation.  For those who don't know, this week's game is the spiritual successor to it.

(17:30) Perfect Dark's story.  We don't even.

(21:00) Every weapon has an alternate fire.  Some are... less useful.

(23:40) The proper way to hold an N64 controller.

(27:30) When Good AI goes bad.

(30:45) Goldeneye and Perfect Dark as the progenitors of console-based multiplayer shooters.

(32:00) Our favorite guns, including the Reaper, Super Dragon, and Laptop Gun.

(34:30) Counter-op!

(41:00) That Frontalot song Geremy mentioned.

Next time on Last Time, Blaster Master!

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