Thursday, March 20, 2014

Episode 54: Watch Out For That Space Tree [Space Harrier]

Flying through space with the BFG from Doom sounds like a lot of fun. Unfortunately, vegetation just doesn't seem threatening enough to bother shooting, but you'll probably regret not doing so. Also, cyclopic mammoths. Because, you know, space.

Unlike this game's enemies, you can usually see our download.

(02:00) That Legolas is a pretty cool guy.

(03:30) Geremy's Sneaky Pete adventures.

(05:00) The secret to Broadway.

(08:20) Better names for American sports.

(09:00) Counterfeit Monkey allows you to modify the content of the game while playing.

(09:20) Nevermind: the game that freaks you out when you're freaked out.

(11:30) Geremy talks about A Link Between Worlds.  It has item rental, no ammo, and non-deterministic dungeon order.  Due to the rentals, most of the puzzles are simplistic because they can't guarantee which items you'll have.

(21:30) Zelda, Dynasty Warriors style.

(22:30) Potential PS3 games for Geremy to play.

(23:45) Resi 4 is a totally serious game, guys!

(28:00) Zach's LoL adventures.

(31:00) Also, the Wonder Trade challenge.

(33:30) To the Moon.  It's pretty sweet.

(35:00) We talk about the end of Arkham: Origins.  It's... lackluster.  The part with Bane (or Alfred) seems tacked on, especially with the same flashbacks.

(42:50) Zach's verdict on Space Harrier: "It's awful!"  I don't think anyone's disagreeing.

(43:30) Glitch dragon of yore.

(47:00) We try to decide whether we've played a worse game on the show.

Next time on Last Time, it's Perfect Dark!

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