Unlike this game's enemies, you can usually see our download.
(02:00) That Legolas is a pretty cool guy.
(03:30) Geremy's Sneaky Pete adventures.
(05:00) The secret to Broadway.
(08:20) Better names for American sports.
(09:00) Counterfeit Monkey allows you to modify the content of the game while playing.
(09:20) Nevermind: the game that freaks you out when you're freaked out.
(11:30) Geremy talks about A Link Between Worlds. It has item rental, no ammo, and non-deterministic dungeon order. Due to the rentals, most of the puzzles are simplistic because they can't guarantee which items you'll have.
(21:30) Zelda, Dynasty Warriors style.
(22:30) Potential PS3 games for Geremy to play.
(23:45) Resi 4 is a totally serious game, guys!
(28:00) Zach's LoL adventures.
(31:00) Also, the Wonder Trade challenge.
(33:30) To the Moon. It's pretty sweet.
(35:00) We talk about the end of Arkham: Origins. It's... lackluster. The part with Bane (or Alfred) seems tacked on, especially with the same flashbacks.
(42:50) Zach's verdict on Space Harrier: "It's awful!" I don't think anyone's disagreeing.
(43:30) Glitch dragon of yore.
(47:00) We try to decide whether we've played a worse game on the show.
Next time on Last Time, it's Perfect Dark!
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