Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Episode 27: Hell is Other People... Turned into Machine Gun Wielding Demon-Marines[Doom II]

Strap yourselves in and pull out your BFGs.  It's Doom II this week.  As we near the end of our sequel month, we talk about our favorite sequels and some other game stuff.  Also, super-shotguns.

You're gonna need a bigger download.

(01:00) We get into it early! Geremy's mouse works again, so more LoL.  Civ difficulties are funny.  Also, he's been farming for paper. Zach's been hitting things.  FTL still rocks.

(07:45) Our favorite sequels.

(12:00) DKC and Doom as ambient games.  Also, difficulty selection!  How would you implement difficulty in a platformer?

(18:00) DMC has an easy mode that you have to unlock.  The L4D2 AI director was pretty spiffy.

(22:30) Since we're rambling about difficulty, how should if be scaled for puzzle games?

(24:40) For the unitiated, the Tower of Hanoi.

(26:40) Honorable mention: Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords.  Maybe also Puzzle Fighter.

(28:30) A not-so-great sequel.  Doom II!  Might be better...  It lacks enemy and, therefore, strategy variety.  It's basically the same game, but with multiplayer.

(34:30) The music's not as great.  Compare the first level music from Doom with this game's first level music.

(40:00) Old man impressions.  Also, Sailor Moon!

Next week, get your jump on!  It's Super Mario Bros. 2: The Lost Levels and Super Mario Bros. 2!  Yeah, both of them.  We suggest the All-Stars pack for the SNES.

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