Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Episode 22: Cruel or Funny? [Super Dodge Ball]

The 80s.  This was the time of men in short shorts on professional sports teams.  It was a time when a man could throw his balls at another man, and no one cared.  Except certain channels of ESPN.  If you can dodge popular culture, you can dodge this joke!

Bet you can't dodge this download!

(02:20) For your petard oriented edification.

(04:40) What we've been up to.  Geremy has an awesome story later, but Tyler's been on some Diddy Kong Racing.

(08:10) Tyler was wrong about the platform, but Conker's been around for a whileSexual dimorphism, by the way, is the tendency for genders in a single species to be physically dissimilar. 

(11:50) Geremy had a sweet Dwarf Fortress tale. This is the tutorial Geremey used to learn Dwarf Fortress. It's a little out of date, but it'll teach you the basics.

(23:40) What makes for awesome game titles? We don't know, but we talk about it.  Fuse is a 4 person co-op shooter thing.  Similar to Brute Force in that respect. 

(28:10) Super Dodge Ball is a game about men and their balls. Seriously, everyone's seen this, right?

(29:20) Cruelty, and therefore dodgeball, is inherently funny.  Michael grokked that.

(30:40) Seriously, Hamlet as a geek makes so much sense.

(31:15) If you want to see how this game plays, check this out.  It's pretty much perfect.

(34:40) That thing in London? Westminster Abbey.

(40:28) Double Dragon was incredibly hard to jump in.

(43:30) Final thoughts and suggestions for improvement.

Next week, it's the all-start slugfest that reached amazing levels of fanaticism.  It's Super Smash Brothers!

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