Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Episode 2: Sonic The Hedgehog [Sonic The Hedgehog]

It's that time again, for the first, and the (not) last time!  It's podcast time!  This episode is ostensibly about Sonic the Hedgehog (see title).  We spend a while talking about game genres, crowdfunding, and other fun things near the end, which is totally related!

The downloads and show notes, as will become normal form, are below.


(1:15) We get right to it.  Sonic the Hedgehog is not a good game.

(1:55) The effects of acceleration on Sonic.

(2:40) To maintain cred with the Sonic fans we espouse the awesomeness of Sonic Adventure 2.

(6:15) Continues, the level skip code, and their effect on the game.

(8:10) The Sonic bait and switch after Zone 2.

(15:00) Old Sega Commercials.

(15:40) Final thoughts on Sonic.

(18:30) Project Green Light and Crowdfunding.

(20:00) Steam

(21:56) We talk about Japanese culture like only two guys who get most of their knowledge about Japanese culture from anime and videogames can.  Also why First Person Shooters suck.

(24:40) And Why RPGs are awesome.

(25:57) Video Games are…. Fantasies?

(26:30) What makes a genre?

(27:55) The “Are games art?” thing.  Because we haven’t been sufficiently pretentious the episode.

(30:00) We talk about Doctor Who for a bit.  This episode was about Sonic Screwdrivers or something right?

Next Week, Harvest Moon for the Super Nintendo.  We’ll see if we manage to talk about it instead of everything else.,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.


  1. 15:36 He does not own a saturn he owns a dreamcast-[source: I is He]

    1. Honestly, I didn't know there was a difference.
