Friday, January 10, 2014

Broken Controllers: The League of Legends.

    So we've spent enough time talking about the game on the podcast that this particular review may seem as though it isn't needed; and really it probably isn't but you know? I'm bored with time on my hands so without further ado: League of Legends.
    Now I've been playing this game for the last couple months and while a lot of the things I'd heard about it made me leery of even touching the game. The reason this changed was because of a particular day in which I was bored and decided that rather than continue to criticize a game I'd never played or indeed even watched I would play it. Nothing to really worry about given it is a free game, and you know what? I found I enjoyed the game despite being horrible at it.

    So lets get started with the actual review shall we? League of Legends is a MOBA, don't worry if you don't know what that means I sure didn't, which stands for Multi-player online battle arena. Each game is ten people divided into two five man teams. The real game is done primarily in a draft format where each side can ban three champions not allowed in the game. They then follow the order they were placed in to decide on a role, of which there are commonly five. Top laner, mid-laner, attack damage, support and jungler. Each one has advantages to play and champions that are strong in those roles.

    The champions are all divided into where Riot, the game's developers, thought they would be best. That said people have changed things around in certain cases. The pool of champions is massive and is so varied in both the aesthetics and what they can do that finding on that you like should be relatively easy this; combined with the free champions each week lets people try before they buy. Before playing the game I criticized it for being a pay to win type of game but this isn't the case. All champions can be purchased with in-game currency and rune pages, which modify certain things in game, can ONLY be purchased with the in-game currency. The only things that can't be bought with this currency are things that are just different looks for in game items such as champion skins. With my first criticism fallen we move to gameplay.

    League has an interesting model in that it is a game with heavy team emphasis but during a large portion of the early game you cannot help your teammates. The only exception to this is the person in the Jungler role as their main job, in my opinion, is to get those lanes ahead. Now that I've confused you let me explain, the map is divided into three lanes that stretch the map between the two bases. Along these lanes little things known as minions waddle their way to the enemy, which are going to be a decent player's main source of income as they kill these critters. Separating these lanes is what is known as the Jungle where other monsters wait and are often killed by the Jungler for their gold and experience. The goal of the game is to destroy the opponent's main building which can only be accessed after destroying all the towers along one lane; often more than one lane's towers need to fall to accomplish this. Destroying towers grants gold for your whole team, which is needed to purchase items that make your champion more powerful. Here one of my criticisms was that it is very hard to comeback once a team starts to cascade; by which I refer to having enough of a gold/item advantage that it is nearly impossible to go against them in a fair fight. This is still true however with the recent changes it is more possible to come back from being down.

    One thing that should be mentioned is that so far in my experience is that the community of League has a very bad reputation and while I have run into a few people who were profoundly unpleasant most of the people I have played with have been fun to play with. Unfortunately you will run into unpleasant people anywhere on the internet but with the inclusion of a mute button as well as a report function for those you felt were over the top it is easy to play a game and just have fun.

    Geremy would probably have more to say on the game but if you are interested and you want to give the game we won't stop talking about you can always hit me up on the game for someone to just play a round against the game's bots or whatever. Just shoot a friend request to my account at Hambone2013 and let me know via email that you are listener of the podcast and I'd be happy to play a couple rounds with you.

    All I've really got left is to say: even if you don't like the game its free so what are you losing other than a little time?


LOL summoner name: Hambone2013
Starcraft2 name: Justicar06
MWO name: Justicar06.

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