Is that a download behind that bombable wall?
(00:40) We get side tracked right away and talk about some movies.
(2:00) What we've been playing! Zach's still playing Shin Ten, with leads us to game length and content vs grinding.
(4:40) Geremy is playing Cloudberry Kingdom in addition to his normal games.
(9:30) Also Fire Emblem Awakening, Zach and Geremy discuss the characters and their outlandishness.
(18:00) Super Metroid!
(19:30) The beginning, feelings of isolation. Can atmosphere of a game make you feel things?
(23:00) New powerups and features.
(24:50) Color pallets and different areas.
(28:00) Game play! It's like Metroid. Go figure.
(30:00) Sequence breaking.
(32:00) Is it ok for a game to make you look around and try to find its content? Or is it on the game to present itself to you immediately. Obviously a game needs to do something to grab your attention, but does Super Metroid do enough?
(35:00) Exploration in video games, 2d vs 3d.
(37:15) Games with mechanics that help you find hidden items. Are they good, or do they defy the point of having hidden items in the first place? Are you entitled to all the secret items/achievements in a game without work? Achievement Hunter would say so.
(41:20) Compared to Symphony of the Night. Videogames stopping and slowing your progress, is it a problem?
(47:45) The pacing of video games. Are modern games faster paced than older ones? Is this a bad thing? Also, the Pomodoro Technique.
(51:00) Final thoughts, and some giggling about Metroid Prime.
Next week, we jump a little further into the gaming present than normal for this podcast, and play Animal Crossing. If you're interested, New Leaf is available on the 3DS, but as its a full cost game, you may wish to skip this one and just listen in!
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