Thursday, April 11, 2013

Episode 9: Ninja Legends Suck [The Legend of the Mystical Ninja]

Once a decade, when the moon is full and the spirits are restless, the lone ninja rises from the shadows to quell the growing unease in the world. Then his fat companion trips on the way up the hill and ruins the scene. This week, it's The Legend of the Mystical Ninja, who, as it turns out, isn't really all that mystical.  He does fight an octopus horde, though, so that ought to be good for something.

Download it before it ninjas away

(1:00) What we've been playing.  *SPOILERS* Geremy's been playing the stuff he was last episode.

(3:40) Mystical Ninja, with no articles, is a much better game than this.  It has bazookas.

(6:15) We start getting into the meat of this.  How generic is this game?  Very.

(10:35) Ewww... I got some Japan on my game.

(13:33) Difficulty and enjoyable challenge, and why they're not necessarily the same thing.

(17:05) Co-op is good, surprising everyone.  One person even had a heart attack upon hearing that.

(19:25) Biting off more than even Goemon's comically large mouth can chew in game design.

(20:35) Theme vs. The Translators vs. Disjointed Plot.  This game is filled with things that have no purpose.

(23:40) Grinding in my action game?  Soooo repetitive.

(26:35) Finishing thoughts and the ambition of ActRaiser.  At least this game looks good.

(31:15) Our apologies to the audience for this game.

Next time, it's Gunstar Heroes for the Sega Genesis.  You can rest assured that, if nothing else, this game is not as large a waste of money as our ninja adventure.  Additionally, we're encountering a wandering guest host!

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