Thursday, July 20, 2017

Episode 193: Muscle Men in Space [Cho Aniki]

When the galaxy's best body build comes a-knockin', there's only one thing to do: team up with two weird angel children and send your own body building... flying... mutant... guys? No one builds a protein plant out of Earth, even if they do have great abs! Defend important areas, like downtown streets, a football stadium I guess?, and the moon for some reason. All in the name of amazing muscles.

Exercise that download link.

Show Notes

(01:15) Geremy’s Kuwabara voice is awful, but Lanipator’s is spot on!

(03:15) Kitschy.

(07:45) Cube and Star, an Arbitrary Game

(10:30) The game Zach got Tyler is Material Girl. Of course it's rated "very positive".

(12:15) Zach’s playing This War of Mine. He didn’t ask for that damn war.

(14:30) Zach has been playing a lot; next is Valkyrie Drive. For the curious, Dynasty Warriors 8 had 83 playable characters, about ten times what Valkyrie Drive does.

(21:30) Counterstrike and a discussion about Smurfs! Wait, that’s not the right link…

(23:00) Snipperclips! It’s a right snippy doo.

(26:45)  Definite Future Assignment Final Fantasy X. Is it good!? Does it hold up? Hahahahaha?

(30:30) Spoilers for Persona 5! Makoto is the best character!

(44:00) The assignment, Cho Aniki.

(53:30) Body Builder Rankings!

Next time on Last Time, Turok!  The original one, obv.

Life... uh... finds a way... to be shot.,,,
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 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Episode 192: Cool Ferrari Physics [Another World]

One night, a terrible particle accelerator-based accident occurs!  Leaving his Ferrari behind, incredibly cool guy Lester Chaykin ends up, presumably in a galaxy far, far away.  Taking after the Indiana Jones school of Ph.D.s, he set out on a grand adventure to find out where he is and where he should be.  Unfortunately, he's not nearly as good at it as ol' Indy, and he dies... a lot.  Then gets captured.  Then almost dies, but eventually there's a space dragon, so it all works out.  Fun!(?)

Downloads are your Buddies.

Show Notes

(04:00) JRPGs and New Game +, which Chrono Trigger apparently named.

(12:30) Fire breath me like one of your French girls.

(17:30) Indigo Prophecy looks pretty spiffing.  Also, time for Another World.

(34:30) Transported to a sorted list of rankings?

Next time on Last Time, Cho Aniki!

Double colorless at,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Episode 191: Big Hairy Feet [Fantasy Zone II]

Some times, one hit isn't enough.  You just have to do it again.  So, you take a sip of that sweet flying ship, and you're off.  Trippy landscapes and odd warp zones await you, and you can swear you have wings.  Which you do, because you're a sentient ship pod with feet.  Also, there are wood totems and weird spinny clam things to shoot, so you had best be off to do whatever it is winged/legged ships do.

The downloads of Opa Opa.

Next time on Last Time, Another World!

Endless deaths at,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.