Monday, December 15, 2014

Episode 91: And They Couldn't Put Humpty Dumpty Back Together Again [King's Knight]

Remember those epics where knights shoot their sword lasers at things? No? I mean... Zelda's an epic, right? Anyway, join us on a magical adventure to save a princess and rebuild the king!

Downloads are the new powerdowns!

Show Notes

(00:40) Ed joins us!

(07:10) From the people who brought you Layton: Weapon Shop de Omasse.  Related: Jacksmith.

(12:40) John Wick was pretty decent.

(16:30) Sm4sh!

(20:00) Gihren's Greed is a pretty sweet looking game.

(30:00) Dragon Age: Inquisition is Zach's current conquest.

(38:30) This week's game: Bar USA, Monster at Law.

(50:00) Killer Bee: master rapper.

Next time on Last Time, Fallout!

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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Episode 90: I Dunno, That Peanut/Popcorn Mix [Baseball]

Remember that time we played Bases Loaded?  Good times!  Turns out there were roughly 20 baseball games for the NES, and this was the first!  Join us as we play Baseball the baseball game about baseball, which mostly involves timing a hit and watching the worst fielders ever fumble for a catch.

Our download is the mercy rule.

Show Notes

(01:00) The great Poppycock vs. Cracker Jack debate.

(02:00) Potato burgers!

(03:30) Soylent, the "edible" powder!

(12:30) Insurgency is a customizable class based shooter developed by a handful of people compared to Modern Warfare 2's 2009 release.

(16:00) A discussion about the ending of The Walking Dead (the game, not the show... or the comic... who do you think we are?!).

(28:00) Rogue Legacy and the problem of difficulty balance.  Boss remixes!

(30:30) Hyrule Warriors time!  Also, for those who don't know Fist of the North Star...

(38:00) Baseball, the game where the batter always wins.

Next time on Last Time, King's Knight!

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 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.