Our download can cling to trees.
Show Notes
(05:00) Game shows and trivia! Coincidentally the element krypton is not named after the fictional planet.
(07:20) Finally, the end of Grandia. The usual tropes apply.
(08:00) Mole people have great potential! They'll dig their way to the heavens! Who the hell do you think they are?!
(09:00) Payday 2 did a reward balance.
(12:40) Phoenix Wright has some weird opponents.
(13:45) Undead & Undressed, the game about undressing vampires in broad daylight to kill them.
(15:10) Destiny! It's a game, apparently!
(17:10) The LoL lore reboot is a bit disappointing.
(21:30) Fallout: Equestria! Apparently both a tabletop RPG and a huge fanfic base.
(31:00) Gone Home seems pretty cool. Still.
(33:00) Troll WIZARDS!
(34:40) Magic Power Rangers?
(37:30) I Am The One Who Knocks is waaay easier than Full Measure.
(38:30) Power Rangers/Sailor Moon crossover needs to happen.
(40:10) 8-Directional shuriken is not as good as metal blade.
Next time on Last Time, Asteroids and Galaga!
Pew? Pew PEW!
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