Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Episode 77: Puzzle WIZARDS [Solomon's Key]

The best wizards use fireballs, and Dana's definitely got those. Mostly, though, he can defy the precept of conservation of matter to create and destroy blocks! It's surprisingly useful. Too bad there are SO MANY ENEMIES.  That, and the fairies aren't nearly as useful as they are in Zelda.

Our download's no fairy, but it is ethereal

Show Notes

(01:00) Payday games!

(08:00) Fire Emblem hard pansy mode vs. hard real mode.

(13:30) All the character archetypes!  Just... go spend an hour on TV Tropes.

(16:30) I am Groot.

(17:30) You know how Mana Khemia is awesome?  The sequel sucks.  Don't play it.

(19:30) Conversely, Grandia II is pretty good.

(24:00) Space vandals!

(25:00) Inducing panic in players.  We discuss audio cues and countdown timers.

(30:00) Turns out there's no Link between these games.  Tyler got the name wrong.

(34:00) Replaying puzzle games.

(36:00) Beating/starting levels is a bit disappointing.  The music's pretty good, though.

(41:00) Speaking of constantly repeated puzzles...  By the way, Resident Evil, collecting a key and opening a door with it is not a puzzle.

Next time on Last Time, it's Renegade!

Be the strongest at school with us at,,,
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 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Episode 76: "Tactics" [Gain Ground]

Some tactical training robots whose purpose is to get people to fight and reinvigorate their fighting spirit... or something... just want to watch the world burn.  Thankfully, vikings are awesome!  Also, there are a lot of fireballs, and that's always cool.

You must escort our download to the exit.

Show Notes

(01:45) Tyler's final thoughts upon beating Mega Man 3.

(05:15) Flay's pretty much.  Nothing can stop his drill!

(06:00) Don't play Mana Khemia 2.  Ulrika is soooo annoying.  Pepperoni's awesome, though.

(09:30) Payday 2 tales and the horrors of carrying bags.  While fun, the game suffers from a lack of things to do if your heist is going well silently.  Maybe some mini-game things to move things along?

(15:40) Geremy's latest Fire Emblem run.

(20:00) JesuOtaku's got some pretty good reviews on Attack on Titan.

(21:00) Minecraft adventures!

(25:00) Gain Ground is a giant evil computer controller robots and people need to fight the computer.

(29:20) It's like Broforce, but from the 80s!

Next time on Last Time, Solomon's Key!

Come free some fairies with us at,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Episode 75: Actual Hell [Kid Icarus]

Apparently goddesses need rescuing, and Pit's the only cherub man enough to do it.  Unfortunately, he hasn't been taking his vitamins, so he gets beaten up really easily.  Also, he can't fly.  Also, Death is trying to kill him, sometimes from multiple bodies at once.  At least you centurion friends are only locked up in minimum security.

Turns out you can just walk across the other side of the screen to find the download.

Show Notes

(05:30) Upcoming (bad) superhero TV shows.

(11:30) We talk about Payday 2 for a bit.  Moral: it's a really fun co-op game.

(14:30) Fire Emblem Awakening continues to be good, but could have been better.  Awesome leveling may cause the end game to be too easy.

(23:15) Ice Climbers: It's kinda boring!

(24:30) Palutena's intro is borderline creepy.  That's, alright, though, because Robin's awesome.

(29:00) This game has a super high difficulty cliff, but an equally steep downslope.

(32:00) You can totally Pac Man your way to the other side of the screen in this.

(39:00) Fortresses are actually pretty fun.  And nutritious.

(40:20) Thieves.  They suck.

Next time on Last Time, join us for "tactical" action in Gain Ground!

 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Episode 74: Why Did It Have To Be Snake Man? [Mega Man 3]

What's better than Mega Man?  Sequels!  Maybe!  We're kinda split on that.  Find out whether we can just slide through this, or if it just needles us too much.

Our download has no weakness!

Show Notes

(03:00) Mana Khemia is great. Also, Payday 2.

(04:45) Geremy's take on Nintendo's E3.

(07:50)  X: A lot of monster combat for a mech game.

(08:50) Legend of Korra game!

(11:00) Mario Party 10 is a game where Bowser wins.

(12:30) Geremy's final thoughts on A Link Between Worlds.

(14:00) Some thoughts on Ocarina of Time.

(15:00) Zach finally beat the Elite 4.

(16:45) Zach finally played DOTA 2 and his comparison to League of Legends is not favorable for the former.

(23:00) Lackluster title screens.

(28:00) This game has no logical weaknesses, and 2 DIFFERENT CHAINS!  Seriously, boss weakness designers, you had one job!

(30:00) The introduction of Castlevania harems.

(31:20) The stages are a step up from MM2 in terms of theme.

(33:15) A new staple for the series: sliding!

(35:00) Proto Man, a testament to Dr. Light's creative names!

(38:30) The Doc Robot, your worst nightmare.

(43:00) Final thoughts: generally negative; it's got hardware problems, and isn't super consistent.

Next time on Last Time, join us on adventures with flightless angels in Kid Icarus!

If you've got a bow, we've got arrows at,,,
 You can also go to the show page at or comment on the site at
 Also, you can follow our tweets @LTOVG.